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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi Recruitment for Librarian and Documentation Officer: Last Date-07/05/2018

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi Recruitment for the post of Librarian and Documentation Officer

Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi Recruitment for the post of Librarian and Documentation OfficerPost (पद): Librarian (for tenure of five years)
No of posts( रिक्तियों की संख्या ): (One) 
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता):
(i) A Master’s degree in Library Sciences/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record.
(ii) At least thirteen years as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or eighteen years’ experience as a College Librarian.
(iii) Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work.   
(iv) Deputy Librarian completing three years of service in the AGP of Rs.9,000 and otherwise eligible as  per  the  API  scoring  system  and  PBAS  methodology  developed  in  these  Regulations,  with  a  Ph.D.  qualification shall also be eligible to be considered for appointment to the post of Librarian through  open recruitment.
(v) Consolidated  API  score  requirement  of  400  points  from  categories  II  &  III  of  APIs  (cumulative)  along with  other  specified  eligibility  qualifications  stipulated  in  the  UGC  Regulations‐2010 as amended vide UGC Gazette Notification dated 11.07.2016. 
Desirable Qualification (वांछनीय शैक्षिक आवश्यकता):
M.Phil/Ph.D  degree  in  library  science/information  science/documentation/archives  and  manuscript‐keeping.
Pay( वेतन ): PB-4 ₹37,400­-67,000 AGP 10,000 (6th CPC) / Level­-14 as per 7th CPC
Age Limit ( आयु सीमा ): 56 Years

Post (पद): Documentation Officer
No of posts( रिक्तियों की संख्या ): (One) 
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता):
(i) M.A.  Degree  in  Social  Science/Master  degree  in  Library  Science / Documentation  or  equivalent  professional  degree with at least  55%  of  the marks  or its equivalent grade  with good academic record / knowledge of computerization of library; 
(ii) National Eligibility Test or other requirement as prescribed by UGC Rules.
Desirable Qualification (वांछनीय शैक्षिक आवश्यकता):
(i) Knowledge of Russian Language  
(ii) Ph.D. in Russian Studies or any other area of Social Science
(iii) Experience of documentation in Russian Studies; and
(iv) Publication in Russian Studies.
Pay( वेतन ): PB-3 ₹15,600 ­- 39,100 AGP 6000 (6th CPC) / Level­-10 as per 7th CPC
Age Limit ( आयु सीमा ): 45 Years. No upper age limit will apply to JNU departmental candidate. 
Last Date (अंतिम तारीख): 07/05/2018

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