Number of Post(s) ( रिक्तियों की संख्या ): Approx. 08 (Eight)
Eligibility Criteria (योग्यता मानदंड):
(i) Only candidates appearing for their MLISc examination in 2019 are eligible to apply.
(ii) Candidates must secure first class in their MLISc examination.
Pay ( वेतन ): ₹20,000/- Per Month
Desirable Criteria (वांछनीय मानदंड):
(i) Excellent communication skills in English.
(ii) Strong interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
(iii) Basic working knowledge of IT and IT related applications used in libraries.
Last Date (अंतिम तारीख): 10/05/2019
Written Test and Interview Date (लिखित परीक्षा और साक्षात्कार दिनांक): 28/05/2019 at 08:30 AM
How to apply ( आवेदन कैसे करे ):
Interested candidates who meet the criteria mentioned above may submit their applications through the Head of the Department of LIS of respective Universities. It may be noted that the Department Head can also submit a list of all interested students who meet the above mentioned criteria along with their Name, Age, Gender, Percentage in MLISc (if result declared), Email ID and Mobile number. The application should be sent to librarian@iima.ac.in
Interested candidates who meet the criteria mentioned above may submit their applications through the Head of the Department of LIS of respective Universities. It may be noted that the Department Head can also submit a list of all interested students who meet the above mentioned criteria along with their Name, Age, Gender, Percentage in MLISc (if result declared), Email ID and Mobile number. The application should be sent to librarian@iima.ac.in
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