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Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Senior Library and Information Officer post at National Medical Library, New Delhi

Senior Library and Information Officer post at National Medical Library, New Delhi
National Medical Library, New Delhi invites applications from Indian citizens for Senior Library and Information Officer on deputation basis.

Post (पद): Senior Library and Information Officer
Essential Qualification and Experience (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव): 
Officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union territories or Universities or recognised research institute or public sector undertakings or statutory or autonomous organisation:-
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis in the parent Cadre/Department; or (ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level-11 of the Pay Matrix (Rs.67700-208700), [PB-3 (Rs. 15600-39100; with Grade Pay Rs.6600 in pre-revised scale of pay] or equivalent in the parent Cadre or Department; and
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
(i) Master's Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognised university or institute.
(ii) Ten years' professional experience in a library under Central Government or State Government or autonomous or statutory organisation or public sector undertaking or university or recognised research institute or educational institutes.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता):  
(i) One year experience of computerising library activities in a library under Central/State Governments or Union territories or universities or recognised research institutions or public sector undertakings or statutory or autonomous organisations.
(ii) One year professional experience in indexing work of health services literature.
(iii) Diploma in computer applications from a recognised university or institute.
Pay ( वेतनमान ): Level-12 of the Pay Matrix (₹ .78800- 209200), [PB-3 (₹ 15,600- 39,100) with Grade pay ₹ 7600 in pre-revised scale of pay]

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