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Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Supreme Court of India, New Delhi Recruitment for Director (Library):Last Date -20.11.2019

Supreme Court of India, New Delhi Recruitment for Director (Library)
Supreme Court of India, New Delhi invited applications on the prescribed form for the post of  Director (Library)
Post (पद):  Director (Library)
Essential Educational Qualification (शैक्षिक आवश्यकता):
1. A degree in Law of a University in India recognized by the Bar Council of India or by any State Bar Council for enrolment as an Advocate.
2. Master’s Degree in Library Science of a recognized University.
3. Diploma in Computer Application recognized by AlCTE/DOEACC or equivalent or Library Automation Course conducted by National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources.
4. Knowledge of computer operation. It includes -
(i) Knowledge and experience of working with any standard “Library Automation Software”
for House keeping activities in the library such as cataloging, acquisition and circulation etc.,
(ii) Knowledge and experience of computerized search both of on—line and off-line databases including of retrieval of desired information through various search engines/processes and
(iii) Knowledge and experience of any software for developing In-House databases for documentation work.
Experience (अनुभव): Minimum 4 years experience as Chief Librarian or in an equivalent post ( in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix) in any prestigious library preferably Law Library;
Minimum 7 years composite experience with atleast 2 years experience as Chief Librarian or in an equivalent post (in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix) and as Librarian (in Level 11 of the Pay Matrix) or in an equivalent post in any prestigious Library preferably a Law Library.
Specialized knowledge in:
(i) Conducting research work regarding legal matters,
(ii) Documentation work,
(iii) Preparing of bibliography of cases,
(iv) Examination and dissemination of legal articles published in various law journals.
Age Limit (आयु सीमा): Candidates should not be less than.40 years of age as on 1.10.2019
Pay (वेतन): Level 13 of the Pay Matrix with initial Basic Pay of Rs.1,23,100 plus other allowances as admissible under the rules.
Last Date for receipt of Application (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 20/11/2019
How to Apply (आवेदन कैसे करे): 
(i) Candidates who fulfill the prescribed qualifications, experience, age requirement and other eligibility conditions as on 1.10.2019 should apply giving full particulars including date of birth, educational qualifications, specialized knowledge and experience (as per proforma enclosed) supported by self-attested copies of all the relevant certificates and a passport size photograph. Candidates already in service should submit their application through proper channel only.
(ii) The applications should reach the Registrar (Recruitment Cell), Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg, New Delhi —110001 latest by 5.00 PM. on 20.11.2019. 

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