AIIMS, Patna invited Applications prescribed pro-forma for the posts of Chief Librarian and Librarian Selection Grade
Post (पद): Chief Librarian
i) Atleast a second class Master’s Degree in Science (preferably in Biological Sciences) of a recognised University or equivalent;
ii) Degree or equivalent Diploma in Lib. Science of a recognised Institution or University; and
iii) 7 years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.
iii) Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity;
iv) Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English.
Pay (वेतनमान):Level-11 (Rs. 67700– 208700)
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Post (पद): Chief Librarian
No of posts (रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01
Essential Qualification (शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ):
Officers under the Central / State /U.T. Governments / Universities / Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis with atleast 5/8 years of regular service in the post in the scale of PB-3 with G.P of Rs.7600/ PB-3 with G.P of Rs .6600/- respectively or equivalent and possessing the following qualifications and experiences:
Essential (अनिवार्य):
(i) At least a second class Master’s Degree in Science (preferably in Biological Sciences) of a recognized University or equivalent;
(ii) Degree or equivalent Diploma in Lib. Science of a recognized Institution or University; and
(iii) 7 years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता):(i) Master’s Degree in Library Science;
(ii) Training in Medical Librarianship;
(iii) Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity;
Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English.
Officers under the Central / State /U.T. Governments / Universities / Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis with atleast 5/8 years of regular service in the post in the scale of PB-3 with G.P of Rs.7600/ PB-3 with G.P of Rs .6600/- respectively or equivalent and possessing the following qualifications and experiences:
Essential (अनिवार्य):
(i) At least a second class Master’s Degree in Science (preferably in Biological Sciences) of a recognized University or equivalent;
(ii) Degree or equivalent Diploma in Lib. Science of a recognized Institution or University; and
(iii) 7 years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता):(i) Master’s Degree in Library Science;
(ii) Training in Medical Librarianship;
(iii) Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity;
Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English.
Pay (वेतनमान):Level-13 (Rs.123100 - 215900)
Post (पद): Librarian Selection Grade
No of posts (रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ):
Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/Universities/Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organisations holding analogous posts on regular basis with at least 5/8 years of regular service in the post in the scale of PB-3 with GP of Rs.5400/ PB-2 with GP of Rs.4800/4600/- respectively, or equivalent and possessing the following qualifications and experience:Essential:
i) Atleast a second class Master’s Degree in Science (preferably in Biological Sciences) of a recognised University or equivalent;
ii) Degree or equivalent Diploma in Lib. Science of a recognised Institution or University; and
iii) 7 years’ experience in a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता):i) Master’s Degree in Library Science;
ii) Training in Medical Librarianship;iii) Experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity;
iv) Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English.
Pay (वेतनमान):Level-11 (Rs. 67700– 208700)
Last date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 05/01/2020
How to apply (आवेदन कैसे करें):
The officers who fulfill the above qualifications/eligibility criteria may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through proper channel to the Recruitment Cell, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Phulwarisharif, Patna -801507 by Speed Post/Registered Post onlyHow to apply (आवेदन कैसे करें):
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