Post (पद): Senior Library Information Assistant
No of posts (रिक्तियों की संख्या): (02) (01-UR, 01-OBC)
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता)
Bachelor's Degree in Library Science/Library and Information Science or equivalent of a recognised University / Institute with 3 years of professional experience in a Library or a Library under Central/State/Autonomous or Statutory Organization/PSU/University or recognized Research or Educational Institution.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता): One year certificate in computer application from a recognised Institution or equivalent.
Pay (वेतनमान): Level 6 of Assistant Pay Matrix Rs 35400-112400/-
Age limit(आयु सीमा): Not exceeding 30 years.
Last Date (अंतिम तारीख): 24/02/2020
How to apply(आवेदन कैसे करें):
Candidates possessing requisite qualification and experience are required to apply online [http://www.iitkgp .ac.in>> Quick Links» Non-Teaching Positions] on or before 24.02.2020 and send a signed hardcopy print out of online application along with the self attested certificates/testimonials to "Assistant Registrar (E-III), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur-721302, West Bengal, India". The last date for receipt of hard copy of application is 28.02.2020. The envelope should be superscribed with the name of the post applied for.
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