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Friday, 21 February 2020

Professor post at Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata Last Date: 6th March 2020

Professor post at Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata Last Date: 6th March 2020
Netaji  Subhas  Open  University  invites applications for the following teaching post:
Post (पद): Professor
No of posts( रिक्तियों की संख्या ): 1-UR
Minimum Eligibility Criteria (न्यूनतम योग्यता मानदंड):
i) An  eminent  scholar  with  consistently  good  academic  record  and  a  Ph.D.  degree in  the  concerned/ allied/ relevant discipline with a number of high quality research publications in reputed journals and / orpublication of books.
ii)At  least  10  years'  experience  in  University/  College  and/  or  experience  in  research  in  university/ reputed research institutions/ industries.
iii)Research guidance of doctoral students.
iv)A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based on Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS), set out the in UGC Regulations 2016 in Appendix Ill Table Il(B). 
An  outstanding  professional  with  established  reputation  in  the  relevant  field,  who  has  made  significant contribution  to  the   knowledge   in   the   concerned/allied/relevant   discipline,   to   be   substantiated   by credentials.
2) Additional Experienceअतिरिक्त अनुभव)
Contribution  to  educational  innovation,  design  of  new  curricula  and  courses  and  use  of  modern technology in teaching-learning process.

Pay( वेतन ):Professor (Pay Band — 37,400 —67,000/-plus Academic Grade Pay of  10,000/-) in Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, Commerce, Education, Languages, Law, Journalism & Mass Communication
Last date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 06/03/2020
How to apply (आवेदन कैसे करें):
Applications must  reach  the  University  within 6thMarch,2020during  office  hours  (within  5.00  PM)  on  all  working days. Applications  must  be  submitted  in  duplicate  in  prescribed  pro-forma  as  given  in  University Website and submitted at the University Headquarters (in respective drop box) at DD –26, 5thFloor, Salt  Lake  City,  Sector –I,  Kolkata –700  064  or  may  be  sent  by  post.  The  envelope  containing  the application must indicate the name of the post applied for including its reservation status in bold. 

Advertisement Document 

For Website advertisement  Click here

West Bengal Govt.order vide No.516-Edn(U)/1U-91/10 dt.16.05.2017.  Click here
Application Format for Professor and Associate Professor.  Click here wishes you best of luck. Keep following our LIS News website for latest Library Jobs, Government Jobs, Walk-In interviews, Library Questions, Conference dates, Admissions and many more. Thank You.