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Saturday, 20 June 2020

Scientific Assistant A at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Last date: 31.07.2020

 Scientific Assistant A at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Last date: 31.07.2020
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata invited candidates to fill-up online applications for the post of  Scientific Assistant A. 
Post (पद):  Scientific Assistant A  
No of posts (रिक्तियों की संख्या):   01 (SC) 
Essential Qualification (शैक्षिक आवश्यकता ):
Master’s degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation, or equivalent;
Honours degree (10+2+3) in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation with two years’ experience in the relevant fields;
Bachelor's degree (10+2+3) and BLIS with two years’ experience in the relevant fields;
Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3) and Diploma of at least one year’s duration in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation from a recognised Institution with two years’ experience in the relevant fields;
Higher Secondary (10+2) and Diploma in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation of at least three years' duration from a recognised Institution with three years’ experience in the relevant fields;
Other equivalent degree or Diploma in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation from a recognised Institution with adequate experience in the relevant fields.
Desirable (वांछनीय आवश्यकता):
At least one year’s additional working experience in an automated library system with practical knowledge and technical skills of library computerisation, Libsys/ Koha/ similar software and Dspace Repository System.
Pay (वेतनमान): ₹35,400 - ₹1,12,400/- in the Pay Level 6 (7th CPC) plus other admissible allowances as per Central Government norms.
Age(आयु): Below 35 years as on 01.06.2020
Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for candidates belonging to SC/ST, and 3 years for OBC(NCL), in respect to posts reserved for them. Relaxation of age for candidates belonging to PwBD, and serving Government employees (both external and internal) shall be as per Central Government directives.

Important dates (महत्वपूर्ण तिथि)

Date of opening of Online Application : 22.06.2020 (12:00 Hrs)

Date of closure of Online Application : 31.07.2020 (14:00 Hrs)

How to Apply:
1. Interested candidates must apply ONLINE by clicking on ‘APPLICATION PORTAL’ provided in
2. The online application link shall remain active from 22.06.2020 (12:00 Hrs) to 31.07.2020
(14:00 Hrs). 
3. A candidate can apply either for a post of Associate Scientist A or Scientific Assistant A or for both. However, s/he can choose only one specialization in the category of Associate Scientist A and/or one specialization in the category of Scientific Assistant A, as mentioned in the advertisement. 

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