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Monday, 15 June 2020

Vacancy of Professors/ Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors at The ICFAI University, Tripura

Vacancy of Professors/ Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors at The ICFAI University, TripuraThe ICFAI University, Tripura from eligible candidates for the following posts in the Department of Library Science:
Post (पद): Professor
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता)  
The Applicants should have PG, UGC-NET preferably with Ph.D. in appropriate discipline with first class at the preceding degree. In addition teaching/ research/ industry experience applicable for different positions, the appilcants should have excellent academic record throughout.
Pay (वेतनमान): As per University norms, however, salary is not a constraint for deserving candidates.
How to apply(आवेदन कैसे करें):
Interested applicants may send their detailed resume through e-mail by mentioning the position applied for in subject line to immediately.
Alternatively, they may send their resume by courier/speed post to:

The Registrar,
The ICFAI University, Tripura 
P.O. -Kamalghat, Mohanpur, Tripura - 799210

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