Pondicherry University invites online applications to admission the following regular programmes of study for the Academic Session 2020-21.
Programme (कार्यक्रम): Master of Library and Information Science
Duration (अवधि): 2 Years
Intake (प्रवेश-संख्या): 44
Eligibility Criteria (पात्रता मापदंड):
Any degree with a minimum of 50% of marks.
Important dates (महत्वपूर्ण तिथि):
Opening of Online Application Form: 08.07.2020
Last date of Online Application Form: 31.07.2020
How to Apply (आवेदन कैसे करे):
1) Application forms are to be filled and submitted online, as per instructions in the University website: www.pondiuni.edu.in
2) Fill in all columns with complete and correct information after going through the prospectus. Incomplete/ false/ wrong information will entail rejection of application. Any claim based on wrong information, wrong course code, centre code, category (OBC / SC / ST / EWS / Gen), etc. will not be entertained at a later stage.
3) Due care should be taken in filling the application form. Enter correct course in the relevant column which is very important.
4) All columns should be filled correctly and unambiguously.
5) While filling in the qualification and marks, care should be taken to provide the relevant marks/ grades.
6) Defence personnel also should apply online only. The payment of application fees shall be through online mode. They should however, take a print out of the online application form and forward the same through the respective Head Quarters to
The Assistant Registrar (Academic-Admissions)
Pondicherry University
R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,
Pondicherry-605 014.
8) Candidates can apply for more than one course. Before applying for another course the candidates may ensure that there is no “overlap of entrance exams among the courses to which they have applied”. The Date and Time of Entrance Examination of each course is given along with the eligiblity criteria. The University will not be responsible, if the candidate could not take the entrance exam for a particular course(s), due to such overlapping.
9) Helpdesk facilities are available to candidates for help in filling the application form, payment of fees and clarification regarding entrance exam related matters.
10) After proper filling of the application form and payment of fee online, candidates can download their printable application from the University website by following the instructions therein.
1) Application forms are to be filled and submitted online, as per instructions in the University website: www.pondiuni.edu.in
2) Fill in all columns with complete and correct information after going through the prospectus. Incomplete/ false/ wrong information will entail rejection of application. Any claim based on wrong information, wrong course code, centre code, category (OBC / SC / ST / EWS / Gen), etc. will not be entertained at a later stage.
3) Due care should be taken in filling the application form. Enter correct course in the relevant column which is very important.
4) All columns should be filled correctly and unambiguously.
5) While filling in the qualification and marks, care should be taken to provide the relevant marks/ grades.
6) Defence personnel also should apply online only. The payment of application fees shall be through online mode. They should however, take a print out of the online application form and forward the same through the respective Head Quarters to
The Assistant Registrar (Academic-Admissions)
Pondicherry University
R.V. Nagar, Kalapet,
Pondicherry-605 014.
8) Candidates can apply for more than one course. Before applying for another course the candidates may ensure that there is no “overlap of entrance exams among the courses to which they have applied”. The Date and Time of Entrance Examination of each course is given along with the eligiblity criteria. The University will not be responsible, if the candidate could not take the entrance exam for a particular course(s), due to such overlapping.
9) Helpdesk facilities are available to candidates for help in filling the application form, payment of fees and clarification regarding entrance exam related matters.
10) After proper filling of the application form and payment of fee online, candidates can download their printable application from the University website by following the instructions therein.
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