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Thursday, 22 October 2020

Deputy Librarian at National Sanskrit University, Tirupati Last Date: 16.11.2020

Deputy Librarian at National Sanskrit University, Tirupati
National Sanskrit University (A Central University established by an Act of Parliament), Tirupati invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following on direct recruitment basis:

Post (पद): Deputy Librarian
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01(UR)
Essential Qualification and Experience  (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
i) A Master's Degree in library science/information science/documentation science, with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point -scale, wherever grading system is followed. 
ii) Eight years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian. 
iii) Evidence of innovative library services including integration of ICT in library. 
iv) A Ph.D degree in library science/Information science/Documentation Science / Archives and manuscript keeping/computerization of library. 
Pay (वेतनमान): Pay Level -13-A (Rs.1,31,400-Rs.2,17,100)
Last Date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 16.11.2020
How To Apply: 
Applicants are required to enclose a Demand Draft of Rs.800/- for UR/OBC/EwS candidates and Rs.200/- for SC/ST candidates drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of the Registrar, National Sanskrit University, Tirupati from 14th October, 2020 onwards. The PwD candidates are not required to pay any fee. Separate application form should be submitted for each Post along with the prescribed fee. The Application form shall not be provided by Cash/Speed Post/Registered Post or any other mode. The applicants are required to send the downloaded filled in applications along with the prescribed fee to the Registrar, National Sanskrit University, Tirupati - 517 507, Chittoor (Dist.), Andhra Pradesh in an envelope superscribing “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________________” and should reach this office on or before 5.30 p.m. on 16th November,2020.

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