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Friday, 5 February 2021

Librarian and Senior Technical Assistant (Documentation) at NIHFW Last Date Extended upto: 08.03.2021

NIHFW invited applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following post:
Librarian and Senior Technical Assistant (Documentation) at NIHFW
Post (पद): Librarian
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01 (UR)
Essential Qualification and Experience  (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
(i) Master's Degree, preferably in a Science or Social Science subject, from a recognised university or equivalent. 
(ii) Degree in Library Science from a recognised university or equivalent 
(iii) 3 years' experience in a Library/Documentation Centre of repute 
Desirable: (i) Master's degree in Library and Information Science of a recognized University
(ii) Experience in organising, acquisition and technical processing work in a Library, Documentation Centre of repute.
Pay (वेतनमान): Matrix Pay Level - 7, Pay Band - Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 (pre-revised)

Post (पद): Senior Technical Assistant (Documentation)
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01 (UR)
Essential Qualification and Experience  (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
(i) Degree of a recognised University or equivalent. 
(ii) Degree in Library Science from a recognised university or equivalent
(iii) One years' experience of documentation work in a Library/Documentation Centre of repute.
i) Master's degree in Library and Information Science from a recognized University or equivalent.
ii) Master's degree, preferably in a Science or Social Science subject from a University of equivalent.
Pay (वेतनमान): Matrix Pay Level - 7, Pay Band - Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4600 (pre-revised)
Last Date (अंतिम तारीख): 26.02.2021 08.03.2021
How To Apply: 
Interested and eligible candidates may apply on plain paper, in the given proforma only along with fee of Rs.300/- by a crossed Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi payable at New Delhi (No fee for SC/ ST/Women/Orthopadically handicapped candidates) etc.

2. The envelope should be superscribed as "Application for the post of (Pl. write name of the post)".

3. Candidates working in Govt. / Semi Govt. Organizations/Autonomous Bodies must apply through proper channel (Annexure — II).

4. Complete application along with self attested photocopies in support of belonging to proof of age and qualifications, educational SC/ST/EWS/Orthopaedically handicapped and experience certificate etc. should reach the Dy.Director (Admn.), NIHFW, Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi - 110 067 latest by 08.03.2021.

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