National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bhopal invites Online Applications for the following post:
Post (पद): Library Assistant
Essential Qualification (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता) and Experience (अनुभव):
i)Graduate from a recognized university/
Institution with diploma in Library Science
ii) Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science from
recognized University / Institution.
iii) At least one year working experience in a well-established Library
Pay (वेतन): Pay Level 2
(6th CPC: PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200/- + GP Rs. 1900/-)
Age Limit ( आयु सीमा ): 27 years Maximum upper age-limit for NIFT employees may be relaxed upto five years or total length of service rendered (on regular and
Age Limit ( आयु सीमा ): 27 years Maximum upper age-limit for NIFT employees may be relaxed upto five years or total length of service rendered (on regular and
Last Date (अंतिम तारीख): 30.10.2021
How to Apply:Interested
candidates may send their applications in the prescribed application form addressed to The Joint Director,
National Institute of Fashion Technology, NIFT Block, MP Bhoj Open University Campus, Kolar Road,
Bhopal – 462016 Madhya Pradesh and superscribed with "Application for the post of (Name of the post
applied for) at NIFT Bhopal" on the envelope (Note: Lab. Assistant applicants to also mention the
competency for which applying). The last date of receipt of application is 30th October, 2021 (Saturday)
up to 05:00 pm.
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