Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan invited applications from eligible candidates for filling up
the following post:
Post (पद): Librarian
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 01
Essential Qualification and Experience (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
(i) Bachelor degree in Library Science OR Graduate with one year Diploma in Library Science from a recognized institution
(ii)Working knowledge in Odia & English
Desirable: Knowledge of Computer applications
Pay (वेतनमान): Rs. 25,300/- consolidated
Last Date (आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख): 05.02.2022
How To Apply:
-Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions have to apply only through online
registration link available at OAVS website i.e. http://www.oav.edu.in-The last date for registration and submission of application (Step-I & Step-II) is
05/02/2022 upto 05:00 PM and
-Online submission of application fees (Step-III) through
Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking through SB collect system of State Bank of India
(SBI) is 07/02/2022upto 11:45 PM.