Agartala Government Dental College & IGM Hospital invited applications from eligible candidates for filling up
the following post:
Post (पद): Librarian
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 02
Essential Qualification and Experience (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
i) Graduate from a recognized University.
ii) Degree or Diploma in Library Science.
Pay (वेतनमान): Rs. 21,400/-
Post (पद): Library Attendant
No. of Posts(रिक्तियों की संख्या): 02
Essential Qualification and Experience (अनिवार्य शैक्षिक आवश्यकता और अनुभव):
i) Class-VIII passed from recognized school for UR candidates
ii) Class-V passed from recognized school for SC/ST/PH candidates
iii) Preference will be given for experience in the respective field
Pay (वेतनमान): Rs. 16,000/- consolidated
How To Apply:
Prescribed application form is annexed hereto. Willing candidates are requested submit prescribed application form duly filled in to the Directorate of Health Services, P .N. Complex, Gurkhabasti, Aganala, West Tripura on working days during the period from 29/09/2023 to 18/10/2023. No application is entitled after last date of submission.