31. Arrange the following in the chronological sequence of their development.
(i) ISBD (ii) CCF
(iii) FRBR (iv) MARC
(A) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
(B) (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
(C) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(D) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)
Answer: (B)
32. Arrange the following secondary publications according to the beginning of their publication in chronological order.
(i) Biological Abstracts
(ii) Chemical Abstracts
(iii) LISA
(iv) Index Medicus
(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(B) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
(C) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
(D) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
Answer: (C)
33. Arrange the following States chronologically according to year of enactment of Library Legislation.
(i) Tamil Nadu (ii) U.P.
(iii) Gujarat (iv) Mizoram
(A) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
(B) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
(C) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
(D) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
Answer: (C)
34. Arrange the following chronologically according to their use in computers :
(i) Vacuum tube
(ii) Microchip
(iii) Integrated circuits
(iv) Transistors
(A) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
(B) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(C) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
(D) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
Answer: (C)
35. Arrange the following professional Associations according to the year of their establishment :
(i) ILA (ii) IASLIC
(iii) ALA (iv) ASLIB
(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(B) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
(C) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
(D) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
Answer: (B)
36. Arrange the following according to chronological order :
(i) Universal Copyright convention
(ii) Berne Convention
(iii) Indian Copyright Act
(iv) WIPO Copyright Act
(A) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
(B) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)
(C) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
(D) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
Answer: (D)
37. Arrange the structure of the Research report in correct order :
(i) Table of contents
(ii) Appendices
(iii) Text
(iv) Title page
(A) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
(B) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(C) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
(D) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
Answer: (D)
38. Arrange the following schemes of classification according to their year of publication:
(i) CC (ii) DDC
(iii) LC (iv) UDC
(A) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
(B) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
(C) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
(D) (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
Answer: (B)
39. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) The Right to Information Act of India (i) 2000
(b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (ii) 2005
(c) Information Technology Act. (India) (iii) 1948
(d) Digital Millennium Act (iv) 1998
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Answer: (B)
40. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) Father of Scientific Management (i) Henry Fayol
(b) Father of Administration (ii) Elton Mayo
(c) Father of Human Relations School (iii) F. Hertzberg
(d) Father of Corporate Strategy (iv) F.W. Taylor
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(C) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(D) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
Answer: (B)
41. Match the following:List – I List – II
(a) C.A. Cutter (i) Bibliographic classification
(b) H.E. Bliss (ii) Expansive classification
(c) J.D. Brown (iii) Universal classification
(d) Paul Otlet & Henry LaFontaine (iv) Subject classification
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
Answer: (A)
42. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) International Conference on Cataloguing Principles (i) 1969
(b) International Meeting of Cataloguing Experts (ii) 1961
(c) International Symposium of Bibliographic Exchange format (iii) 1990
(d) First CCF Users meeting (iv) 1978
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(D) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
Answer: (A)
43. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) NASSDOC (i) Defence Science
(b) DEVSIS (ii) Social Sciences
(c) INIS (iii) Development Science
(d) DESIDOC (iv) Nuclear Science
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(D) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
Answer: (B)
44. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) CLRI (i) Hyderabad
(b) SENDOC (ii) New Delhi
(c) NASSDOC (iii) Mumbai
(d) BARC (iv) Chennai
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(C) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
Answer: (C)
45. Match the following:
List – I List – II
(a) Fumigation (i) Acquisition
(b) Building library collection (ii) Preservation
(c) Kardex (iii) Reference service
(d) Information Desk (iv) Registration of Periodicals
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(D) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
Answer: (D)
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